Earn Money for Billingsville-Cotswold Elementary while you Shop! An easy way for grandparents, neighbors, and other family members to help our school too! All proceeds go to the PTA General Fund.



Harris Teeter VIC: Link your VIC card to BCE #1772. Next, sign up for a HT plus membership trial (paid or free). BCE will earn $10 for every HT Plus membership, trial membership sign-up and existing membership. NOTE: Customers will need to link their VIC card as well as sign-up for, or have an existing, HT Plus membership or trial membership for school to earn funds.







Publix: Create an account at join Club Publix. If you’re already a member, log in to your account and select My Publix Partner to search for BCE. Remember to enter your phone number at checkout for BCE to receive Publix Partners earnings.







As a reminder, you must link/re-link your account every year.