What is IBPYP?  The International Baccalaureate Program is a philosophy of teaching that was created to support international schools.  The Primary Years Program (PYP), is the curriculum taught to students aged 3-12.

Who is eligible to participate in the IBPYP?  All elementary students at Billingsville-Cotswold participate in the program which includes units of inquiry, Spanish language instruction, and developing the IB Learner Profile (characteristics of internationally minded people).

Are there separate IBPYP classrooms for those students in the IBPYP?  All students at Billingsville-Cotswold are included in the IBPYP in all classrooms, regardless if they hold magnet seats. A requirement of IB schools is that all teachers and staff attend IB training and learn strategies for implementing the IBPYP on a continual basis.

Does IBPYP include character education?  The IBPYP has a heavy emphasis on character traits. IB also supports service learning, an integral part of our character education program. We were selected as a NC State School of Character and National School of Character in 2010 due to our continued efforts in strengthening our character program.

Which foreign language is taught at Billingsville-Cotswold? Spanish is the selected foreign language offered to all students beginning in kindergarten. Students attend Spanish class once a week. Beginning in the 2020-2021 school year, a Spanish immersion class will be offered as an optional choice for families, starting with Kindergarten. Please contact Billingsville if you are interested in the Spanish Immersion program.

What is inquiry?  Research, wondering, and hypotheses are a part of the inquiry process. Students come up with questions and search for meaningful answers. The Common Core State Standards and NC Essential Standards in science and social studies are supported through a structured inquiry approach to learning.

What are the benefits of an IB school? IB prepares students for a successful future anywhere in the world. Students who graduate high school with an IB diploma usually begin college ahead of their peers.

What is the exhibition?  This is an exhibit of the final project of IBPYP students during the 5th grade year, and takes the place of one unit of inquiry. Students engage in a long-term group project on the topic of their choice, and hold an exhibition in which they present their work to family and friends.

When did Billingsville-Cotswold become an authorized IB World School?  Cotswold Elementary received authorization as an IB World School offering the Primary Years Program in the spring of 2010. Billingsville received its authorization in the spring of 2020, after the merger of the two schools. IB schools are evaluated every 5 years to maintain the consistency of their programs. 

How many IBPYP schools are there?  In CMS, we are one of only 7 elementary schools to offer IB. There are 24 IB elementary schools in North Carolina, and thousands of IB schools worldwide.

Where can I find more information?  Visit the IBO website at or contact Billingsville-Cotswold IB Coordinator, 980-343-6720